The Benefits of Having On-Site Dining Amenities in the Workplace

How To Design a Corporate Wellness Program

Are corporate wellness programs actually effective? It comes down to execution and design. Companies put these programs in place with a goal of making employees happier, healthier, and, in turn, more productive.

Building Strong Company Culture

Building a strong culture is an emerging topic among employers. With changing employee needs, company culture is more important than ever before for attracting and retaining employees.

Recruiting Top Talent

The pandemic has shifted what employees are seeking from their employers. In order to recruit top talent to your organization, it is important to understand what candidates are looking for and adapt your recruiting to showcase your company in a meaningful way. Let’s take a look at the steps you can take to prepare for the hiring process and make your organization stand out from the crowd.

Challenges with Remote Working

It is common to face challenges in the workplace from time to time, whether that is working on a tight deadline or finding a new way to approach a problem. When the physical workspace is removed from the equation, the current challenges remain and a new, unique set of challenges arise. These obstacles not only affect productivity, but also employee well-being in the long term. Understanding the challenges of remote work can help you identify how to create a return to office plan that will resolve the problems employees are facing.

Office Environment Benefits

At the beginning of the pandemic many companies had no choice but to work from home. Now, as things open up, many employers are determining their next steps. While several companies have found through this pandemic that it is possible to work from home, it may not be the most beneficial for their employees in the long run. Understanding the value the office space provides can help to create a more successful working environment for all.

What Does The Workspace Look Like?

Over the course of the pandemic, employees have been working from their own space in their homes. While an increasing number of employees are ready to get out of the house and back into the office, they do not seek the same things from the physical office space as they had previously. This new work-from-home environment has created new employee perspectives that have resulted in new needs. In order to have a meaningful return to office, employers must consider these new needs and redesign their spaces from what they looked like pre-pandemic.

Guide to Returning to the Workplace

The COVID-19 pandemic has taught us many lessons about work, productivity, flexibility, and the value of office space. Companies are now taking what they have learned during this time and planning their transition from remote work to returning to the office, but the common question is: What is the best way to make it happen?

Work From Home Fatigue

People’s ideal number of remote work days is slipping, according to a March survey. They feel less productive at home than a year ago. Even though the majority want flexibility in choosing when and where they work, a growing part of the workforce doesn’t want to work from home at all in the future.

The Evolution of the Office Space

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the workplace as we know it. Within a matter of weeks, the coronavirus crisis forced much of the global workforce to embrace remote working. This sudden and extreme shift has raised many questions about the sustainability of this new way of working, particularly in terms of workplace productivity. More fundamentally, […]

Check Into Cleveland at the Cleveland Marriott Downtown at Key Tower

Checking into the Cleveland Marriott Downtown at Key Tower? While one day is surely not enough time to explore all Cleveland has to offer, we’ve curated a 1-day itinerary centered around your stay that’s walkable, eatable & drinkable, and tons of fun! 7:30 AM Ready for a morning workout? Ascend Fitness & Spa is a […]

9 Facts About Key Tower You Probably Didn’t Know!

Key Tower has been the heart of Downtown Cleveland since its opening in 1991. It was designed by architect Cesar Pelli and is the tallest building in the state of Ohio. Standing tall at 57 stories, 947 feet to the top of its spire, Key Tower is the 34th-tallest building in the United States. Here […]

Hire power: How an office helps win the war for talent

With four generations now in the workplace, there has never been more focus on a company’s physical work environment, workplace services and amenities. Despite this attention on the workplace, companies are still losing billions of dollars in under-productivity every year. The statistics are startling: 70% of U.S. workers are unsatisfied with their jobs, two million […]

In the war for talent, the best workplace stands out

The best workplace optimization strategy needs to start with your business drivers. And for many today, the key driver for success is talent. How to attract the best, yes, but more importantly, how to keep them happy when they’re on board. Explaining the “talent war” While it’s easy to chalk the talent war up to a […]

Does your headquarters reflect your company brand?

Your headquarters can have an enormous impact on your brand, your people, your shareholders and your company’s future. At the same time, it’s a major investment of your firm’s financial and human capital. You want to feel confident you’ve secured the optimal solution. Unlike traditional leasing and property investments, headquarters house vital operational and cultural […]

From workplace to work experience

Creating the workplace of the future is not simply about constructing a new office. You need to create programs that prepare and manage not only the space, but also the work experience itself to deliver ongoing efficiency, dynamism and wellness. According to JLL’s paper, The future of work and workplace, companies need to “curate” the workplace […]

4 Things Employees Want From An Office

Workplace needs will change as technology, economies and life as we know it evolves radically. But, the way we use space cannot be decoupled from the people in it. To put this into practice, strive to keep tailoring your space to your employees, their workstyles and their wants. Even, and especially, if you’re not exactly […]

How to Celebrate Your New Workspace

Here are a few things we’ve learned about including employees in a space reveal and how to celebrate your new digs. As you move into a new workspace or introduce a cool new feature, we think you’ll find these tips useful for getting your own people in the celebratory mindset! Communicate frequently This is the […]

Is your workplace aligned with your culture?

Just as people have unique personalities, each organization also has its own distinctive internal culture based on its values, expectations and psychological climate. These are the result of written and unwritten rules that have developed over time. They determine the ways in which the organization does business and deals with employees, customers and the community […]

4 Awesome Workplace Perks That Go the Extra Mile

Think baristas, saunas and a sense of true fulfillment. With fierce competition for talent—and tenants—there’s immense pressure to create the best workplace experience. Below, see a few ways employers are going above and beyond the average office environment with these awesome workplace perks. The office barista will now take your order In the war of workplace […]

Key Tower has been ACTIVATED!

Activated space creates opportunities for socialization among tenants and the opportunity to extend work outside of individual suites.  Through new and exciting amenities, increased tenant programming and events, and outdoor work and play spaces, Key Tower is a leader in space activation.  Learn more: Take a tour of Key Tower’s new renovations. Historically, the best […]

Choice: the secret to an engaging workspace

Creating an atmosphere that keeps employees engaged is critical to productivity and happiness, but many companies fall short. JLL research shows that 59 percent of employees around the globe aren’t engaged or are only somewhat engaged at work. And it’s an expensive problem—Gallup estimates U.S. businesses absorb more than $450 billion in lost productivity a […]

3 Ways Renting Space in a Better Building Can Save You Money

The point of an office space is to work for you, not against you. Oftentimes, businesses who rent space find themselves in an inefficient building that affects their bottom line. The solution? Investing in a better space in a nicer building. Your rent may rise a bit, but the long-term costs are surely worth the […]

6 Design Elements For a Productive Office

Modern workers and their employers are increasingly focused on getting the most out of their working day. Everyday there’s a new article touting the latest “productivity hack,” or a Q&A with a top CEO about how he or she stays productive. But there are limits to what an app-guided “focus” meditation can do in a […]

How to Build Community at Work

With the rise of technology, there has been much debate around the “workplace” of the future. Namely, building community has become harder and harder as technology continues to proliferate our day to day lives. Human beings, as technology focused as we are, still prioritize communicating face to face. As a result, people come to work […]

How Looking at Tech Firms Can Help Plan Your Location Strategy

What should your key considerations be when deciding where to locate your business? In this increasingly competitive economic environment, being in the right location is essential to the success of your business. According to Workspace, Reworked—a report by JLL about technology and its influence in the workplace of the future—we are now living in the […]

Lowering Attrition with WELLness Standards

Over the past few years, companies have caught on to the wellness wave. They work to encourage healthy habits in and outside of the office. After all, healthy employees are productive employees. A group of professionals, led by former financier Paul Scalia, founded the International WELL Building Institute (IWBI) in 2013. It is a public […]

Winning the millennial talent war

Any workplace optimization strategy needs to start with your business drivers. And for many today, the key driver for success is talent. How to attract the best, yes, but most important, how to keep them happy when they’re on board. It’s easy to chalk the talent war up to a competition for millennials. But it’s […]

3 Ways You Can Gear Up for the Workspace of the Future

Do you come to work to engage with an Alexa speaker or chatbot all day? Or do you enjoy your morning coffee with your coworkers? Research has shown that the more we get sucked into the digital world, the more we crave human connection. The workplace of the future isn’t just about AI and new […]

3 Ways to Build the Workspace of the Future

Creating the workplace of the future is not simply about constructing a new office. You need to create programs that prepare and manage the space. But it’s also important to manage the work experience itself to deliver ongoing efficiency and wellness. According to JLL’s paper, The future of work and workplace, companies need to “curate” […]

Linking Workplace Design and Business Strategy

Savvy companies recognize that workspaces contribute to a progressive business strategy. That is to say, an office environment influences productivity, attraction and engagement of staff. It reflects the culture and brand decisions that impact a company’s bottom line. It’s time to balance business and employee needs in the office. To start, think about who uses […]

5 Ways to Drive Employee Experience

Employee experience is how a staff member feels about his or her workplace. If it sparks an emotional connection—not limited to the physical environment—it can profoundly influence the employee’s professional happiness. In JLL’s Workplace – powered by Human Experience survey, a global series looking at how workplace experience can help businesses thrive in the new […]

Key Tips for Hiring Millennials
Why is Your Office Location Still Important in a Digital World?

In 2018, you probably have more than a few people in your company who work remotely. You may have even spent some time working from home yourself. As work becomes more flexible, you might begin to question the need for a physical office at all. Why pay rent when Slack exists? But if anything, the […]

Beginner’s Guide to Ohio State Corporate Tax Information

Taxes, one of the inevitabilities of life, are important to understand before doing business in any state. The rules change from state to state, but a basic knowledge of your tax code can go a long way. In Ohio, corporate tax procedures are uncommon. Ohio is one of just four states that does not charge […]

Looking to Relocate Your Company? You Aren’t Alone!

 There are several reasons CEOs pick up and move. In fact, there have been a ton of high profile company headquarters that have moved in the last couple of years. Many of those companies have actually relocated to urban environments. Think: GE’s move to Boston from suburban Connecticut McDonald’s from Oakbrook to Chicago Expedia from […]

Link Roundup: Corporate Relocation Resources

Thinking about taking on a corporate move but overwhelmed by the project? We get it! Moving is a stressful undertaking, especially when you’re operating a large company with a bevy of desktop computers, a collection of artwork, and a crowd of employees who may or may not be excited to change up their daily routine […]

Helping your Staff Move from the Suburbs to Downtown

Are you thinking about making the big move? Taking your company from the quiet suburbs into the bustling city? From the perspective of a CEO or business owner, a big city office is more attractive to millennials, puts you in the throes of larger and more prominent companies, and often places you closer to your […]

6 Must-Haves in Your New Office Floor Plan

Maximizing your space is an art, and it’s important your new office floor plan has a place for all your current assets while leaving you with wiggle room to grow. Some offices come pre-furnished, and others with rooms clearly designated for one thing (a big conference room, a kitchen, etc.). But other times your new […]

5 Tips for Recruiting Millennials

Growing companies are constantly looking for top-tier talent. Today, hiring managers are competing to hire the best and brightest. Many employers are working to hire members of the millennial generation, which will make up 50% of the workforce by 2020. In order to get ahead of the competition, you need to rethink your hiring and […]

4 Business-Friendly Cities on the Rise You’ll Want to Work In

While there will always be New York and Los Angeles, we like to keep an eye on the underdogs, the cities on the rise stepping into the spotlight. Here are four cities we’ve noticed that boast a flourishing culture, millennial population, and business environment. Atlanta In the past decade, Atlanta has been the fastest growing […]

10 Questions to Ask Before Choosing an Office Location

Feeling ready to make the big move from a humble rural location to a bustling metropolis? Overwhelmed by your choices in office space? Don’t worry, you aren’t alone! Deciding to uproot your company to a new location is a huge decision that requires time and thought.   Here are 10 things you should think about […]

Work and Lifestyle Trends Sweeping 2018

In this day and age, the lines between work and home life are way more blurred than they used to be. With flexible hours, the ability to work from home, and benefits catering to personal needs, work and home life have seemingly blended into just one “life.” Here are four trends you can find both […]

The Value in Moving Your Offices to Downtown Cleveland

Considering Cleveland for a big company move, but hesitant to make a final decision? Don’t count Cleveland out! There is immense value in the CLE, especially for businesses. Here are some insights into what Cleveland can do for your company. With over 100,000 jobs and approaching 20,000 residents, Downtown Cleveland is Ohio’s largest central business […]

Cleveland’s Regional Focus Gives Businesses a Leg Up

Cleveland is full of surprises. From having the largest Arts District outside of NYC, to a world-renowned orchestra, and even James Beard nominated chefs, Cleveland is one of the nation’s best kept secrets. It’s a rocking town to visit, but Cleveland is also uniquely situated for businesses. While not known for year-round beaches, it might […]

Why We Move: What Motivates Companies To Move Businesses Downtown?

In June 2015, Smart Growth America released an in-depth study of 500 businesses across the nation that had recently relocated to downtown or urban areas.  Through their research, they discovered there are seven main motivations for business owners when it comes to making the big move. Here’s a brief summary of each. Do any of […]

Attract & Retain Millennials Across the Demographic Spectrum

The term “millennial” covers a wide range of people – 1982-2004 is a 20-year span! The top of the group is 36 and the bottom of the group is 22, just entering the workforce.  With all these Millennials walking around offices, ordering lunches, using their smartphones, and innovating left and right, how can you not […]

Work/Life Balance: How to Keep Your Work at the Office

What has technology done to our equilibrium?! It seems you can never shut off work these days. One Harvard Business School study reported that “94% of working professionals reported working more than 50 hours per week and nearly half said they worked more than 65 hours per week” (Forbes). With the pressure mounting to work […]

Increase Your Business ROI by Renting Space in a Building with Amenities

Have you heard the term “trophy office space”? No? Well, have you heard about the tunnel slide in Google’s headquarters in Silicon Valley? How about the giant teepee swing on Facebook’s rooftop garden? An office trophy space is basically a space that goes beyond your average cubicle. They offer fun spaces, plenty of dĂŠcor, and […]


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